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Kellen Manley
Cover Photo
pine and sunlight
First Name
Last Name
Manley (He/Him/His)

To do what I love to do for an organization centered on love is indescribable. I am a social media specialist and a videographer and editor. Most of the time you will find me either behind a camera or in front of one or in the editing bay with headphones on, creating and sharing stories. Beyond this, my work is about engagement and our digital platforms—sharing, listening, and maintaining authentic community spaces that welcome everyone into this work.

BA in Film, Video, and Media Studies, am a proud WMU Bronco, and a passionate Tom Hanks Day founder. I love filmmaking, stand-up comedy, and all things humorous.

Job Title
Digital Media Manager
Engagement Results Display

This practice is from Habib Todd Boerger. 

Allow your mind to become quiet as you focus your awareness on your energetic heart. Cultivate an inner alignment with the Divine/sacred in the way that works for you. Allow your heart to connect to your conversation partner from the place of sacredness within you to the place of sacredness in your partner. Cultivate a sense of holding yourself and your conversation partner in a container of nonjudgment and peace. Set the intention to listen from your heart. Invite your conversation partner to share what they would like to say.

Sit in silence while listening to your partner from your place of inner alignment with the Divine/sacred. Hold the question in your heart, “What’s behind this statement?” Instead of interrupting your conversation partner, continually repeat this question to yourself while you listen until your partner feels complete. As you do so, pay attention to what feelings your conversation partner expresses and what needs are expressed. Listen for what values are expressed. Continue to ask yourself, “What’s behind this statement?” Pay attention to where your partner expresses longings for her/himself, for her/his loved ones, for the larger community.

In partnership with our friends at Spirituality & Practice, we are sharing practices to help us all “practice democracy” from the inside out. Visit Spirituality & Practice's The Practicing Democracy Project for more practices and a wide array of resources.

Resource Type
Hard Copy
Interactive Practice
Monthly Practice