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4 years
Sara Critchfield head shot
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I am, first and foremost, the bursting-with-pride-mother of a wildly creative elementary student and the daughter of a pastor and a marketing executive. My life's creative work and vocational calling can be summed up by the phrase, "Love needs better marketing." 

At Fetzer, I serve as an outreach strategist for the growing movement of organizations and funders who are applying spiritual solutions to social problems. There are two parts of the Institute's work that I oversee: organizational communications/marketing and our media, news and entertainment portfolio. My team is working towards a world in which we all have more cultural permission to center the Sacred in ways right for us, in which we all are encouraged to remake the world through the lens of love, in which we can all enjoy a society that is more faith-fluent and less faith-phobic. 

Before coming to Fetzer, I served as a faith-based activist with the United Church of Christ in Washington DC, advocating for global peace and economic solidarity; an overseas volunteer ensuring food security that prevents families being torn apart by poverty-driven immigration; an entrepreneur and consultant across the corporate, startup, and nonprofit sectors on audience growth and development towards social good projects; and Founding Editor of—named the fastest growing media site of all-time in 2013 by Fast Company—with a mission of making social justice issues just as viral as cat videos.

I hold a Master of Science in Nonprofit Leadership from the University of Pennsylvania, a Bachelor of Visual Communications from Drexel University, have done theology coursework at Fuller Theological Seminary, am a lifetime member of the Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, and am a certified spiritual director.

In my free time, you can find me in my tiny, contemplative, mountainside church or volunteering at my town's immigration legal clinic. I love reading, art, traveling to spiritual pilgrimage sites, and cycling where I live in the greater Los Angeles region. 

Job Title
Vice President, Global Outreach
Cover Caption
Prayer flags hang from a bell tower along the path from the Institute to Seasons.
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