Spirituality and Community

Member for

1 year 4 months
Kellen Manley
Cover Photo
pine and sunlight
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Last Name
Manley (He/Him/His)

To do what I love to do for an organization centered on love is indescribable. I am a social media specialist and a videographer and editor. Most of the time you will find me either behind a camera or in front of one or in the editing bay with headphones on, creating and sharing stories. Beyond this, my work is about engagement and our digital platforms—sharing, listening, and maintaining authentic community spaces that welcome everyone into this work.

BA in Film, Video, and Media Studies, am a proud WMU Bronco, and a passionate Tom Hanks Day founder. I love filmmaking, stand-up comedy, and all things humorous.

Job Title
Digital Media Manager
Engagement Results Display

What spiritual presence or practice do you bring to the communities you belong to and why? Fetzer gathered people from various traditions to talk about how they nurture the spiritual dimension while in community.

View the entire collection.

Our Work


Our work today is in collaboration with inspiring partners as we all work to reveal, inspire, and serve a more loving world. Learn more about our priority initiatives below and engage with the work through stories, events, resources, and other opportunities to add your voice.

Something More

Member for

12 years 9 months
Amy Ferguson
Cover Photo
Book stack
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I am part of a web of writers, editors, videographers, communicators, and ambassadors who help shine a light on how we can all contribute to a loving world. For me this comes through in three simple words: reveal, serve, and inspire. It means researching, listening, sleuthing, writing, connecting, and conspiring for good. 

Our teachers in this work are numerous. I have learned so much from others' fine "translations" of the need for love in our world--epidemiologists, neuroscientists, and public health specialists, artists, clergy, and various lifelong practitioners of compassion--who carry this work into realms of our social life like schools, prisons, and law enforcement circles.

My background is deep in the humanities, and my family tree is of full Catholics (faithful and lapsed), skeptics, and librarians. I have a master's degree in literature and am drawn to volunteer with arts-related organizations and projects. 



“We are all born with 200 bad poems in us.”  —Billy Collins

Job Title
Internal Communications Officer
Cover Caption
Selections from the We the People Book Club.
Engagement Results Display
Staff Department

Secular communities increasingly fulfill religious functions and new religious communities barely resemble their institutional forebears. Meanwhile, 3,500 churches close each year. To organized religions in crisis, this report issues a challenge: how might they transform to meet a rising generation?

Inviting a Larger Conversation About How Religion Can Be Faithful to Its Purpose Today

Member for

12 years 9 months
Amy Ferguson
Cover Photo
Book stack
First Name
Last Name

I am part of a web of writers, editors, videographers, communicators, and ambassadors who help shine a light on how we can all contribute to a loving world. For me this comes through in three simple words: reveal, serve, and inspire. It means researching, listening, sleuthing, writing, connecting, and conspiring for good. 

Our teachers in this work are numerous. I have learned so much from others' fine "translations" of the need for love in our world--epidemiologists, neuroscientists, and public health specialists, artists, clergy, and various lifelong practitioners of compassion--who carry this work into realms of our social life like schools, prisons, and law enforcement circles.

My background is deep in the humanities, and my family tree is of full Catholics (faithful and lapsed), skeptics, and librarians. I have a master's degree in literature and am drawn to volunteer with arts-related organizations and projects. 



“We are all born with 200 bad poems in us.”  —Billy Collins

Job Title
Internal Communications Officer
Cover Caption
Selections from the We the People Book Club.
Engagement Results Display
Staff Department

In our country there is a deep and abiding faithfulness to our religious traditions and institutions, alongside which a growing number of Americans are identifying as “nones,” and “spiritual but not religious,” and many religious institutions are seeing dwindling membership and attendance numbers.

Is an Apology Necessary for Forgiveness?

Member for

10 years 7 months
Engagement Results Display


In this nine-minute video from our Consider Forgiveness series, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, and Muslim religious leaders and scholars from around the world explore whether an apology is required in order to forgive. The approaches and beliefs shared in this video provide great food for thought and discussion.

Multidimensional Measurement of Religiousness/Spirituality for Use in Health Research


This publication is the product of a national working group that examined key dimensions of religiousness/spirituality as they relate to physical and mental health outcomes. Its 12 papers include brief literature reviews, recommended instruments, and bibliographies for each of the 12 identified domains. Also included is the Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousness/Spirituality, an instrument substantially based on select questions from each domain.

Prophetic Religion in a Democratic Society


Steering between what distinguished sociologist of religion Robert Bellah calls “Enlightenment fundamentalists” on the one hand, and religious fundamentalists on the other, this essay argues against both the common secularist view that religion should be excluded from public life and the dogmatic view that would exclude all secular and religious views except one. Instead it proposes a more moderate, nuanced, and robust role for faith and religion in the common life of America and Americans.

Milestones for a Spiritual Jihad: Toward an Islam of Grace


Author of Standing Alone: An American Woman's Struggle for the Soul of Islam, Nomani shares her perspective on realizing an Islamic dream that creates progressive, inclusive, compassionate, and peaceful communities. “We have abandoned spiritual enlightenment for ritual prayer and dogma. This is a struggle that has challenged all faiths….It is time,” she says, “that we rise to a higher expression of Islam, create a new reality, and reclaim the principles of social justice, women's rights, pluralism, and tolerance with which Islam was born.”