On Revolutionary Mindfulness and Restorative Justice

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We’re a nation born of blood, slavery, and genocide. This original trauma re-enacts itself in many ways… We must become skilled healers. We must be brave ones to take on juggernauts of harm. —Fania Davis, co-founder, Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth

So how do we become these skilled healers and brave ones? A late October conference pointed the way via keynotes from two lawyers and an array of other sessions that offered instruction, research, and compelling personal narrative.

Breaking the Cultural Trance

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10 years 4 months
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In “Breaking the Cultural Trance: Insight and Vision in America,” Robert Inchausti offers a convincing perspective that living in America can impair our deepest "seeing" and how education is the sacred medicine to restore a deeper sight, one that is more "universal, transcendent, and real." Written in 2004, his insights are as fresh and relevant today as they were then. Here is an excerpt of his essay.

Trustworthy Leadership: Can We Be the Leaders We Need Our Students to Become?


In this essay, Trustworthy Leadership: Can We Be the Leaders We Need Our Students to Become?, Diana traces a career of insight that speaks to the honest development of authentic and integral students, educators, leaders, and diverse communities. As well, she unfolds the lessons and challenges that inevitable conflict brings to such educational communities. Rarely do educators weave such vast experience with such a deep mind.