The Wisdom of Cherishing Sentient Beings Everywhere
Jacques Verduin is a subject matter expert on mindfulness, restorative justice, emotional intelligence, and transforming violence.
Deconstructing Our Culture of Violence
Jacques Verduin is a subject matter expert on mindfulness, restorative justice, emotional intelligence, and transforming violence. A father, community organizer, and teacher, he is the founder of GRIP (Guiding Rage Into Power), which helps prisoners and challenged youth create the personal and systemic change to transform violence and suffering into opportunities for learning and healing. In this first of two posts, Jacques shares insights about the roots of violence in our culture.
5 Ways to Bring Compassion to Your Working Life
Do you feel disconnected from your highest self at work? Do you wish you handled conflict better? Have you felt burnt out by others’ stress or emotions? Do you wish you could bring more warmth and connection into your daily life?
Practicing more compassion—for yourself and for others—may not only help in these situations, but might also make you more effective at your job.