Not Left or Right, But Deep: How People of Faith Can Help to Heal America's Divisions

Member for

12 years 6 months
Amy Ferguson
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Book stack
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I am part of a web of writers, editors, videographers, communicators, and ambassadors who help shine a light on how we can all contribute to a loving world. For me this comes through in three simple words: reveal, serve, and inspire. It means researching, listening, sleuthing, writing, connecting, and conspiring for good. 

Our teachers in this work are numerous. I have learned so much from others' fine "translations" of the need for love in our world--epidemiologists, neuroscientists, and public health specialists, artists, clergy, and various lifelong practitioners of compassion--who carry this work into realms of our social life like schools, prisons, and law enforcement circles.

My background is deep in the humanities, and my family tree is of full Catholics (faithful and lapsed), skeptics, and librarians. I have a master's degree in literature and am drawn to volunteer with arts-related organizations and projects. 



“We are all born with 200 bad poems in us.”  —Billy Collins

Job Title
Internal Communications Officer
Cover Caption
Selections from the We the People Book Club.
Engagement Results Display
Staff Department
Originally published in USA Today December 6, 2022

We must fan the flames of spiritual renewal within our religious traditions to help them overcome dogmatism and division and to become their best, most life-affirming selves.

Leaving the path fallow...

Member for

5 years 2 months
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bergamot blooms in a summer field
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If you make a reservation for a retreat at GilChrist, you will most likely see my name on the email signature, talk with me on the phone, or see my face when you arrive. I’ve always delighted in being able to connect people with the natural world in ways that allow them to experience their environment deeply and meaningfully. My undergraduate degree in psychology and environmental studies paved the way for this beautiful integration of two passions of mine. The principles of permaculture – earth care, people care, and fair share – also shape my approach to my work. Making rest and retreat more accessible for all is something I try to work toward.

I also do a lot of the behind-the-scenes logistics and administrative work at GilChrist: working with group retreat facilitators, handling billing, managing social media, keeping the website up to date, cataloging the library, and also pitching in with cabin cleaning and feeding the goats.

When I’m not at work, you can find me volunteering in my Three Rivers community, cooking and baking in my kitchen, taking in thought-provoking television and movies with my husband, or daydreaming about grand garden plans for my backyard.

Job Title
Caretaker for Community Engagement
Cover Caption
Bergamot blooms in this summer view from the GilChrist office
Engagement Results Display
Staff Department
Department or Org

Three ways to foster self- and collective care at work

Member for

1 year 1 month
Kellen Manley
Cover Photo
pine and sunlight
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Manley (He/Him/His)

To do what I love to do for an organization centered on love is indescribable. I am a social media specialist and a videographer and editor. Most of the time you will find me either behind a camera or in front of one or in the editing bay with headphones on, creating and sharing stories. Beyond this, my work is about engagement and our digital platforms—sharing, listening, and maintaining authentic community spaces that welcome everyone into this work.

BA in Film, Video, and Media Studies, am a proud WMU Bronco, and a passionate Tom Hanks Day founder. I love filmmaking, stand-up comedy, and all things humorous.

Job Title
Digital Media Manager
Engagement Results Display

Love is a pretty big part of our workplace vocabulary, but that’s probably what you would expect from a place with a mission to help build the spiritual foundation for a loving world! But truly, love can have a place in any workday and any type of workplace, no matter whom or what you’re working for: customers, patrons, patients, the public, students, a constituency, a mission. 

Be the Change: Love and a Living Wage

Member for

1 year 1 month
Kellen Manley
Cover Photo
pine and sunlight
First Name
Last Name
Manley (He/Him/His)

To do what I love to do for an organization centered on love is indescribable. I am a social media specialist and a videographer and editor. Most of the time you will find me either behind a camera or in front of one or in the editing bay with headphones on, creating and sharing stories. Beyond this, my work is about engagement and our digital platforms—sharing, listening, and maintaining authentic community spaces that welcome everyone into this work.

BA in Film, Video, and Media Studies, am a proud WMU Bronco, and a passionate Tom Hanks Day founder. I love filmmaking, stand-up comedy, and all things humorous.

Job Title
Digital Media Manager
Engagement Results Display

What would it mean to have a compensation philosophy grounded in our organization’s values of love, trust, authenticity, and inclusion? In 2019, we set ourselves on a course to address this question by establishing the Pay Philosophy Project. The goal? To create a compensation structure that is equitable and transparent, that creates a deeper sense of community among staff, and that is aligned with our mission.

Expanding Welcome: Retreat Fund Creates New Pathways of Invitation and Access

Member for

1 year 1 month
Kellen Manley
Cover Photo
pine and sunlight
First Name
Last Name
Manley (He/Him/His)

To do what I love to do for an organization centered on love is indescribable. I am a social media specialist and a videographer and editor. Most of the time you will find me either behind a camera or in front of one or in the editing bay with headphones on, creating and sharing stories. Beyond this, my work is about engagement and our digital platforms—sharing, listening, and maintaining authentic community spaces that welcome everyone into this work.

BA in Film, Video, and Media Studies, am a proud WMU Bronco, and a passionate Tom Hanks Day founder. I love filmmaking, stand-up comedy, and all things humorous.

Job Title
Digital Media Manager
Engagement Results Display

“All are welcome!” From our unique corner of the hospitality world, retreat centers like to picture themselves throwing open our doors and our arms to all. Indeed, many of us have put special effort into expanding the reach of our welcome, with sliding scales or pay-what-you-can rates, representation from a wide range of spiritual experiences, and more.  

Yet, the dominant demographic among retreat center leadership and guests remains relatively homogenous in many ways. What more can we do? 

Fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion in group retreats

Member for

5 years 2 months
Cover Photo
bergamot blooms in a summer field
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If you make a reservation for a retreat at GilChrist, you will most likely see my name on the email signature, talk with me on the phone, or see my face when you arrive. I’ve always delighted in being able to connect people with the natural world in ways that allow them to experience their environment deeply and meaningfully. My undergraduate degree in psychology and environmental studies paved the way for this beautiful integration of two passions of mine. The principles of permaculture – earth care, people care, and fair share – also shape my approach to my work. Making rest and retreat more accessible for all is something I try to work toward.

I also do a lot of the behind-the-scenes logistics and administrative work at GilChrist: working with group retreat facilitators, handling billing, managing social media, keeping the website up to date, cataloging the library, and also pitching in with cabin cleaning and feeding the goats.

When I’m not at work, you can find me volunteering in my Three Rivers community, cooking and baking in my kitchen, taking in thought-provoking television and movies with my husband, or daydreaming about grand garden plans for my backyard.

Job Title
Caretaker for Community Engagement
Cover Caption
Bergamot blooms in this summer view from the GilChrist office
Engagement Results Display
Staff Department
Department or Org

“Please describe how you intend to foster diversity, equity, and inclusion in your proposed group retreat.” In 2019, we added this invitation to our simple group retreat request form for GilChrist. We wanted to begin gathering information from our facilitators on how folks were thinking about the connection between contemplative retreats and DEI work. Responses have ranged from very thoughtful and detailed to (perhaps) a little put off or confused. All responses have been helpful for us to see where our community is and what the opportunities are. 

Do Technology and Mindfulness...Mix?

Member for

12 years 6 months
Amy Ferguson
Cover Photo
Book stack
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Last Name

I am part of a web of writers, editors, videographers, communicators, and ambassadors who help shine a light on how we can all contribute to a loving world. For me this comes through in three simple words: reveal, serve, and inspire. It means researching, listening, sleuthing, writing, connecting, and conspiring for good. 

Our teachers in this work are numerous. I have learned so much from others' fine "translations" of the need for love in our world--epidemiologists, neuroscientists, and public health specialists, artists, clergy, and various lifelong practitioners of compassion--who carry this work into realms of our social life like schools, prisons, and law enforcement circles.

My background is deep in the humanities, and my family tree is of full Catholics (faithful and lapsed), skeptics, and librarians. I have a master's degree in literature and am drawn to volunteer with arts-related organizations and projects. 



“We are all born with 200 bad poems in us.”  —Billy Collins

Job Title
Internal Communications Officer
Cover Caption
Selections from the We the People Book Club.
Engagement Results Display
Staff Department

Walking into Wisdom 2.0—a conference where the Silicon Valley tech scene converges with a deeply spiritual mindfulness scene—is like entering an alternative reality. One minute, you might be trying on a BrainTap wearable headset to build your “brain fitness,” and the next, you’re sitting on a meditation cushion listening to a 77-year-old Buddhist monk.

It left me with a question: Do tech and mindfulness truly mix? Or does the ubiquity of our modern technology actually prevent mindfulness, prevent religious integration, prevent spiritual growth?

No Sustainability without Spirituality

Member for

12 years 6 months
Amy Ferguson
Cover Photo
Book stack
First Name
Last Name

I am part of a web of writers, editors, videographers, communicators, and ambassadors who help shine a light on how we can all contribute to a loving world. For me this comes through in three simple words: reveal, serve, and inspire. It means researching, listening, sleuthing, writing, connecting, and conspiring for good. 

Our teachers in this work are numerous. I have learned so much from others' fine "translations" of the need for love in our world--epidemiologists, neuroscientists, and public health specialists, artists, clergy, and various lifelong practitioners of compassion--who carry this work into realms of our social life like schools, prisons, and law enforcement circles.

My background is deep in the humanities, and my family tree is of full Catholics (faithful and lapsed), skeptics, and librarians. I have a master's degree in literature and am drawn to volunteer with arts-related organizations and projects. 



“We are all born with 200 bad poems in us.”  —Billy Collins

Job Title
Internal Communications Officer
Cover Caption
Selections from the We the People Book Club.
Engagement Results Display
Staff Department

War, environmental degradation, racism—it appears that polarization has a death grip on every aspect of our world, including our democracy.

We Need Whole Child Development to Help Children Recover from the Pandemic

Member for

12 years 6 months
Amy Ferguson
Cover Photo
Book stack
First Name
Last Name

I am part of a web of writers, editors, videographers, communicators, and ambassadors who help shine a light on how we can all contribute to a loving world. For me this comes through in three simple words: reveal, serve, and inspire. It means researching, listening, sleuthing, writing, connecting, and conspiring for good. 

Our teachers in this work are numerous. I have learned so much from others' fine "translations" of the need for love in our world--epidemiologists, neuroscientists, and public health specialists, artists, clergy, and various lifelong practitioners of compassion--who carry this work into realms of our social life like schools, prisons, and law enforcement circles.

My background is deep in the humanities, and my family tree is of full Catholics (faithful and lapsed), skeptics, and librarians. I have a master's degree in literature and am drawn to volunteer with arts-related organizations and projects. 



“We are all born with 200 bad poems in us.”  —Billy Collins

Job Title
Internal Communications Officer
Cover Caption
Selections from the We the People Book Club.
Engagement Results Display
Staff Department

More than two years into a global pandemic we continue to witness the effects of the Coronavirus, and one of the groups that has suffered most is children.

Transformative Friendships Build Bridges 

Member for

12 years 6 months
Amy Ferguson
Cover Photo
Book stack
First Name
Last Name

I am part of a web of writers, editors, videographers, communicators, and ambassadors who help shine a light on how we can all contribute to a loving world. For me this comes through in three simple words: reveal, serve, and inspire. It means researching, listening, sleuthing, writing, connecting, and conspiring for good. 

Our teachers in this work are numerous. I have learned so much from others' fine "translations" of the need for love in our world--epidemiologists, neuroscientists, and public health specialists, artists, clergy, and various lifelong practitioners of compassion--who carry this work into realms of our social life like schools, prisons, and law enforcement circles.

My background is deep in the humanities, and my family tree is of full Catholics (faithful and lapsed), skeptics, and librarians. I have a master's degree in literature and am drawn to volunteer with arts-related organizations and projects. 



“We are all born with 200 bad poems in us.”  —Billy Collins

Job Title
Internal Communications Officer
Cover Caption
Selections from the We the People Book Club.
Engagement Results Display
Staff Department

In the early 2000s, I ran ballot measure campaigns across the country to ensure that LGBTQ people couldn’t be fired or kicked out of their homes for being gay. In these campaigns, hundreds of us went door to door, telling neighbors and strangers our stories in hopes that they’d see us as human. These were hard conversations. Many of us had to confront our biggest fear: that we would be rejected because of who we knew ourselves to be.