The Fetzer Institute has been catalyzing the movement of whole child development for 30 years, providing funding, connective tissue and research to reimagine life-span development through the lens of love. This Global Mapping of the Field of Children, Youth and Spirituality advances the movement for whole child development by concretizing the underlying infrastructure and architecture of the field of children, youth and spirituality. The mapping provides a mechanism for stakeholders to connect and collaborate through the field’s organizations, initiatives/projects, key individuals, convenings/gatherings, and documentation/literature. Long term, this mapping will serve as a springboard for increased research, investment, and scaling. We invite you to pioneer in building the ecosystem with us by entering information on yourself or on the field’s institutions, initiatives/projects, key individuals, convenings/gatherings, and literature/documentation.

You may also visit the global mapping to learn more about others in the field.

Global Mapping of the field of children, youth and spirituality

We invite you to enter your data on yourself as an individual, or on the field’s institutions, initiatives/projects, key individuals, convenings/gatherings and documentation/literature.

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